Seacoast Area Feline Education & Rescue
Pet Help
SAFER does not operate an independent shelter, therefore we currently do not have the authority from the State of NH to adopt out cats and kittens. We hope to have a shelter soon. Until then, we work to identify and catch stray and feral cats, get them to a veterinarian for medical care and spay/neuter, and evaluate them while they are in one of our foster care homes.
If friendly and healthy, these cats go to MRFRS, the NHSPCA, or other authorized shelters for adoption. If feral, we attempt to find a safe situation, such as a barn-owner willing to feed and shelter them. Sometimes they will be released back to their original location (after spay/neuter/medical treatment) where a SAFER Volunteer will feed/water/provide shelter for them daily at one of our feeding stations for the remainder of the cat's life.
Click here for places to adopt the cats SAFER has rescued and others.
Pet Care Clinics
Petco has vaccination & microchip clinics
Walgreens has mobile vet clinics (Walgreens Pet Vaccine Clinic)
Tractor Supply has Pet Clinics:
Services include:
• Microchipping
• Vaccinations
• Rx flea and tick control
• Heartworm prevention
• Testing and deworming
• Titer testing
• Nail Trim/Grind
• 3-in-1 (FVRCP)
• Feline Leukemia Vaccine
• PureVax Rabies Vaccine
• Roundworm/Hookworm Dewormer
• Fecal Test
All their preventative pet care services are administered under the direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian.
No appointment is necessary.
Are you looking for an Awesome Veterinarian with very reasonable prices?
Then this is the Vet for you. SAFER is blessed to work with their excellent staff and skilled vets.
Tell them SAFER sent you!
Arbor Veterinary Services
62 Harvey Mill Road (Rte.152)
Lee, NH 03861
(603) 659-7799 | www.arborvet.net
How to Find Your Precious Lost Kitty
Please spay/neuter your cats - They will lose the desire to roam, fight and spray; and the chances of developing mammary, ovarian, uterine, and testicular cancers are reduced significantly (practically down to zero if you have them altered prior to their first heat cycle)! If you need assistance, please see the information on our Spay/Neuter page. Make sure your cat is Microchipped and keep the info current. It is easy, painless and a well-spent $20/yr!
If your cat escapes, remember these tips:
Have CURRENT close-up pictures (several views) of your cat to use for a Lost Cat sign. Know what your cat looks like. This may sound silly, but is it the left or right front foot that has that little spot of white? You might be surprised how difficult it is to remember details during great stress. Write it down.
Place a sign with his picture, the words LOST CAT and your phone number at prominent locations.
Call the local rescues, police department, Neighborhood Watch, and notify the microchip service.
Put his bedding (or anything with his scent) and his litterbox with “used” litter outside your door.
Place daily fresh water and food at your doorway or next to his bedding. (If you have problems with ants getting at the food, place the food dish inside a slightly larger dish that contains water. Ants cannot swim across the water moat, and the food will be safe.) Be sure to place the food and water in the shade during the summer and in the sun during the winter.
Place “used litter clumps & poo” around the perimeter of your house so he can “smell” his way home.
Leave your door, garage or shed ajar, in case he comes home on his own and keep your porch lights on.
Walk around your neighborhood, calling his name or clinking a food bowl with a spoon (if your cat comes the sound of you dishing-out his food). Ask everyone you see, “Have you seen my cat?”
Carry your cell phone (with his picture queued-up) or a flyer to show people.
Have your name, number and address on a piece of paper or an extra flyer to hand out, so people can call you if they see him.
Good luck, and I hope this Never happens to you!!
What to do when you find a stray
SAFER makes every effort to reunite stray cats with their original owners. How can you help when you find a kitty?
Take the cat/kitten to a veterinarian or shelter to be scanned for a microchip. Contact the microchip company to report your finding.
Report your finding to local police department/animal control officer and shelters like SAFER & NHSPCA.
Post signs with photo, description and your contact information in the area where the cat was found, busy intersections, and local businesses. Make type large and bold. Distribute flyers door to door in the neighborhood where the pet was lost.
Contact local veterinarians and ask them to post a sign in their lobby.
Use the Internet. Share your found pet information on your social media platforms like Facebook, Craigslist and Lost Pets NH.
Sometimes pet owners find themselves in the unfortunate situation of having to find a new home for their pet. If you are considering rehoming or surrendering your pet, you can contact NHSPCA (603) 772-2921 x 110. Bring all veterinary records with you. You will also be asked to provide a picture ID.
Additional Resources
Tabby Tracker is the largest public database of lost cats. Lost cat owners and finders can post classified ads, search listings, and print posters. Start by searching our lost or found cat listings, then proceed to register your cat so that you can be contacted: TabbyTracker.com
Alley Cat Allies will give you additional information on helping the abandon and feral cats. – Alleycat.org