Seacoast Area Feline Education & Rescue

Emery, the Recycle Center Kitty -- On 11/19/18 we posted: Thin and sick cat needs to be rescued. A woman called to report an orange/yellow emaciated tabby cat that was eating what looked to be a dead skunk! The woman stopped and gave the cat some tuna fish (which it gobbled up immediately). Seen at Harddart's Way & Landing Road in Hampton, NH. If anyone sees this cat, Please call SAFER Immediately. Let's get this cat the help it needs! It is too cold to be out there sick and alone.
We asked, and you responded. Following up every lead and many, many hours, days & weeks of trapping attempts, Success at Last!!
Using your donations, we were able to get "Emery" medical treatment and restore him to health. No longer emaciated, he is a wonderfully loving cat - so much so that it was hard to get a picture of him because he kept demanding to be petted. Placed for adoption through another shelter, he will have a truly Happy Mew Year!!
We thank you for your help and donations. We are able to do what we do because You support us! We wish you all a Wonderful 2019.
UPDATE 1/2/19: Emery (name given him by SAFER) has been REUNITED with his owner THREE YEARS after he went missing!
His name is Wendy. Yes, he is a boy. His owner Peter, says they had a girl-cat named Ralph, so it is sort of a "thing" they do. Also, he was named after the restaurant. (Peter is a big fan…double stack!)
According to Peter, Wendy left his home on Tide Mill Road, Hampton, about 3 years ago. He loves the outdoors and would always be out - even through blizzards! He is tough. Unsure why he didn't come back, Peter never saw him at the transfer station or Peter's shop after the day he disappeared. It is just Crazy he shows up after all this time at the place where he was living years ago.
Maybe someone took him in and he was living as an indoor-only cat and somehow got out and "went home." I bet Wendy never tells! No matter...he is home now, living as an indoor-only cat and has 2 new "siblings" to play with.
If he ever disappears again, he has been microchipped and will have a way to get home. What a GREAT way to start 2019!